Publication of the article: "Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments"

Imagen de la plataforma EASIER

The article "Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments" de Lourdes Moreno,  Helen Petrie, Paloma Martínez y Rodrigo Alarcon has been published in the Journal Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS). It results from a collaboration between the HULAT group and the researcher Helen Petrie from the University of York.

This work presents cognitive accessibility design patterns and their application in the design of the user interface of the tool EASIER. The EASIER tool provides a tool that helps in the comprehension of texts aimed at people with cognitive disabilities and the elderly. The interface of the tool has been validated, user tests were carried out with people with intellectual disabilities and the elderly, obtaining satisfactory results. In addition, a design proposal is presented to provide a glossary mechanism for contextual help in simplified texts.