


  • Lourdes Moreno, Yolanda González Maroto, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Women in computer science: Survey on the perception of the women's participation in STEM studies. INTERACCION 2014. XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. 2014, Septiembre. ACM New York, 978-1-4503-28. (82). URL del artículo

  • Ángel García Crespo, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2014). EDUTitling: An accessibility tool for people with disabilities in the field of education. International Congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (ICEILT). Barcelona, Spain. 2014, Julio.

    23-25 July

  • Ángel García Crespo, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco. (2014). Adaptación de una asignatura para un proceso de acreditación internacional. XI FORO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE EVALUACIÓN DE LA CALIDAD DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y DE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR (FECIES). Bilbao, Spain. 2014, Julio. 978-84-608-72. 1218-1224.

    8-10 July

  • Isabel Segura Bedmar, Santiago Peña González, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Extracting drug indications and adverse drug reactions from Spanish health social media. Proceedings of the BioNLP 2014 workshop. USA. 2014, Junio. Association for Computational Linguistics. 98-106. URL del artículo

  • José-Manuel Díaz-Bossini, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Towards mobile accessibility for older people: A user centered evaluation. 8th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014). Crete, Greece. 2014, Junio. 6, 58-68. URL del artículo

  • Sandra Baldassarri, Javier Marco, Eva Cerezo, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Accesibility Evaluation of an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (ACC) Tool. 8th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014). Crete, Greece. 2014, Junio. URL del artículo

  • Lourdes Moreno, María González García, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). CAPTCHA and accessibility. Is this the best we can do?. 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2014). Barcelona, Spain. 2014, Abril. SCITEPRESS, 978-989-758-0. 2, 115-122. URL del artículo

  • J. Eduardo Pérez, Myriam Arrue, Xabier Valencia, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Exploratory Study of Web Navigation Strategies for Users with Physical Disabilities. The 11th Web for All Conference (W4A 2014). Seoul, Korea. 2014, Abril. URL del artículo

  • Xabier Valencia, Myriam Arrue, Halena Rojas-Valduciel , Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Interdependent Components for the Development of Accessible XUL Applications for Screen Reader Users. 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2014). Barcelona, Spain. 2014, Abril. URL del artículo

  • Isabel Segura Bedmar, Ricardo Revert Arenaz, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi). Gothenburg, Sweden. 2014, Abril. Association for Computational Linguistics. 106-115. URL del artículo

  • Adrián Casado-Rivas, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Javier García Guzmán. (2014). Accessible Mobile Application to Support Self Testing for Anticoagulated Patients Using a Personal Health Record: Appliying Good Practices. Proceedings of VII International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2014). Angers, France. 2014, Marzo. 351-357. URL del artículo

  • Rocío Calvo Martín, Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Overlapping Chat's Accessibility Requirements between students with and without disabilities due to the mobile limitations. Mobile Learning 2014 International Conference. Madrid, Spain 28 February, 2. 2014, Marzo. URL del artículo

  • María González García, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Integration of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Multimedia User Agents Interface. The first ACM womENcourage conference. Manchester, United Kingdom. 2014, Enero. In press.


  • Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Yolanda González Maroto. (2014). Guía para elaborar Documentación Digital Accesible. Recomendaciones para Word, Power Point y Excel de Microsoft Office 2010. Editorial CENTAC, Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Accesibilidad. 2014, Septiembre. 179. 846168575X, 9. URL del artículo


  • Rocío Calvo Martín, Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system DOI: 10.1007/s10209-013-0314-3. Universal Access in the Information Society (JCR: Impact Factor (2014): 0.475; Area: COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS, Q4). 13, Issue 3, (3), 315-327. 2014, Agosto. URL del artículo

  • Rocío Calvo Martín, Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). User-Centered Requirement Engineering for Accessible Chats in m-Learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JCR Science Impact Factor (2014):0.466; Area: COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Q4). 20, (6). 2014, Julio. URL del artículo

  • Raúl Miñón, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Julio Abascal. (2014). An approach to the Integration of Accessibility Requirements into a User Interface Development Method. Science of Computer Programming (JCR Science Impact Factor (2014):0.715; Area: SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Q3). 86, 58-73. 2014, Junio. URL del artículo

  • Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Rocío Calvo Martín. (2014). Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: a comparative study. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (JCR: Impact Factor (2014): 0.296; Q4). Vol 22, (Issue 2), pages 320–328. DOI: 10.1. 2014, Junio. URL del artículo

  • Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Javier Jiménez, Pablo Revuelta, Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom. The APEINTA project. Interactive Learning Environments. Taylor & Francis. 2014, Junio. URL del artículo

  • Harith Al-Jumaily, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Applying Black-Box Testing to UML/OCL Database Models. Software Quality Journal (JCR Science Impact Factor (2014):1,143; Area: COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Q2).. 22, (2), 153-184. 2014, Junio. URL del artículo

  • Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Special Issue on Mining the Pharmacovigilance Literature. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JCR Science, Impact Factor (2014): 2,194, Area: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Rank: 21/102, Q1). 49, 1-2. 2014, Junio. 10.1016/j.jbi.2014.04.007.

  • Ángel García Crespo, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Zenith Hernandez, Raul Barahona, Lydia Holnes de Toppin. (2014). Accessibility Services and Interactive Digital Television: An Opportunity to Reduce the Digital Gap. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 9, (1), 8-16. 2014, Febrero.

    (not indexed in ISI-JCR)

  • Ángel García Crespo, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Zenith Hernandez, Raúl Barahona, Lydia Holnes de Toppin. (2014). Accessibility Services and Interactive Digital Television: An Opportunity to Reduce the Digital Gap. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 9, (1), 8 - 16. IEEE, 1932-8540. 2014, Enero. 10.1109/RITA.2014.2301887. [Índice: SJR, Valor: 0,155, Q3]. Manuscript URL

  • Israel González Carrasco, Ángel García Crespo, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Ricardo Colomo Palacios. (2014). Towards a framework for multiple Artificial Neural Network Topologies validation by means of Statistics.. Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering  . 31, (1). 0266-472. 2014, Enero.

    (Impact factor 2014: 0.77. Pos. 64 of 102 (Q3), , COMPUTER SCIENCE THEORY & METHODS)

  • Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández, María Herrero Zazo. (2014). Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 shared task. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JCR Science, Impact Factor (2014): 2,194, Area: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Rank: 21/102, Q1). 51, 152-164. Elsevier. 2014, Enero. URL del artículo

  • Ricardo Colomo Palacios, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco, Francisco José García-Peñalvo. (2014). SABUMO-dTest: Design and evaluation of an intelligent collaborative distributed testing framework. Computer Science and Information Systems. 11, (1), 29-45. 1820-0214. 2014, Enero.

    (Impact factor 2014: 0.477. Pos. 87 of 104 (Q4) COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)

Capítulo de libro

  • Lourdes Moreno. (2014). Integrando normativa en accesibilidad a través de herramientas, metodologías y formación (OPINIÓN DE EXPERTOS). 25 aniversario Ceapat: 12 retos, 12 meses. (32-33). CEAPAT-Imserso. 2014, Marzo. URL del artículo

  • Harith Al-Jumaily, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2014). Applying black-box testing to UML/OCL database models. 22 (2), 153-184. 2014, Enero.



  • María González García, Raúl Miñón, Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Julio Abascal. (2013). A Model-Based Graphical Editor to design Accessible Media Players. Journal of Universal Computer Science .(JCR Science Impact Factor (2013):0.397;Area: COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS, Q4),. 19, (18), 2656-2676. 2013, Diciembre. URL del artículo

  • Ana M. Iglesias Maqueda, Lourdes Moreno, Dolores Cuadra Fernández, Elena Castro Galán. (2013). Are Accessible Distance Learning Systems Useful for All Students? Our Experience with IMES, an Accessible Web-Based Learning System. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. 8, (2). 2013, Diciembre. 10.4018/jwltt.2013040101.