Researchers from the HULAT Group Present Works on Accessibility and Technologies for Disability at Interacción 2024 in CEDI 2024

The HULAT group will actively participate in the XXIV edition of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACCIÓN 2024), which will be held in A Coruña from June 17 to 21, in the context of the VII Spanish Congress of Informatics (CEDI2024).

Members of the HULAT group will present several works focused on improving accessibility and technologies for people with disabilities. These contributions are notable for their innovation and applicability in real-life situations, promoting greater inclusion through technology. The works are:

  • Lourdes Moreno, Angela Diaz-Redondo, José Manuel Masiello Ruiz, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, and Paloma Martínez Fernández. 2024. Emergency Systems Democratization: Disability-Inclusive Mobile App Requirements. In Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 10, 1–8.


App de Access2Citizen


  • Barbara Corsetti, Lourdes Moreno, and Raquel Hervás. 2024. Shaping Interactive Systems: Defining Features to Meet the Needs of Individuals with Mild Intellectual Disabilities. In Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 12, 1–8.

Sticky notes with the ideas defined by developers relative to HMW1 with dots voting.


  • Mario Perez-Enriquez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, and Israel Gonzalez-Carrasco. 2024. Platform for accessible online learning. In Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 9, 1–4.


  • DEMO: HG - Sistema para transcripción en directo de eventos con puntuación automática Mario Perez-Enriquez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel Gonzalez-Carrasco, Belen Ruiz-Mezcua, Ismael GuzmanColomina and Javier Holgueras-Crespo . INTERACCION 2024. A Coruña, 19-21 Junio