CADOOH: Context-Aware Digital Out Of Home

CADOOH is a proposal to offer a new paradigm for access to information through new methods of interactivity, communication-based Machine-to-Machine-M2M. This will allows communication between mobile and static displays, intelligent and interactive, offering the possibility to carry out a direct interaction with the system or through the user's mobile device, providing access to information to anyone, at any anytime, anywhere and from virtually any device.

PANDORA: CASE Platform for DB development and learning via Internet

Database Design discipline involves so different aspects as conceptual and logical modelling knowledge or domain understanding. That implies a great effort to carry out the real world abstraction task and represent it through a data model. CASE tools emerge in order to automating the database development process. These platforms try to help to the database designer in different database design phases.

IntegraTV-4ALL: an interactive television for all

IntegraTV-4all is an effort towards a new television for all and to promote the access of people with disabilities to the new technologies, with a development adapted and oriented to their possibilities and necessities, which includes both graphical and natural-language interfaces. The consortium is formed by industrial and academic partners(TMT Factory, Ramón Llull University, Technical University of Madrid and Carlos III University).

SOPAT: Servicio de Orientación Personalizada y Accesible para Turismo.

This project is related to the strategic action line of ‘Tourism related technologies’ with the aim of improving the existing signaling systems for tourists (of any language) and develop accessible systems in tourist accommodation to help overcome some disabilities (motor, audible, and visual). The consortium created for this project joins together experienced companies in the IT (TMT Factory, Signaletics) and academic research groups (La Salle, UPM, UC3M).

GPS: Software Process Management Platform: modeling, reuse and measurement

The main project purpose is the design and development of a set of software tools to support Software Engineering Best Practices, defined by international standardization organizations such as ISO, SEI and PMI. These tools will allow the definition of software processes and will assist in the software project management based on Best Practices Models.

ISSE : Semantic-based Interoperability for e-Health

The aim is to research in technology based on automatic language processing for information location and retrieval from medical texts and other resources (reports, electronic medical records, scientific documentation, etc..) specially in Spanish language. Thus, we worked in browsers with different levels of complexity that integrate medical domain-specific resources and terminology (UMLS, SNOMED, etc.) and with different treatment of syntactic and semantic levels.

Improving the access and visibility of the multilingual information in the Region of Madrid

MAVIR Consortium is a research network co-funded by the Regional Government of Madrid under the IV Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica (IV PRICIT) integrating a multi-disciplinar team made of scientists, engineers, linguists and documentalists working together on two main areas:Human Language Technologies and Scientific Communication via WWW. The thematic network suggested includes 25 doctors organised in 6 research groups (UNED, UAM, UC3M, UEM, UPM and CINDOC) of the CM that from a multi-discipline perspective complement in various dimensions: academic vs.

SEMANTS: Distribución Inteligente de Contenidos Semánticos a través de Interfaces Multimodales

SemAnts project’s main goal is to promote general access to the information society, thus improving the well-being and everyday life of both citizens and tourists. In order to do this, it is aimed to demonstrate the potential of different technologies to create more sophisticated systems which will have a real impact on the needs of people. The aspect of Information Society focused from SemAnts is the digital content, understood as elements or assemblies of media (video, image, text). These elements may represent information or may also be part of services provided to users.

Canal de Acceso a Recursos y contenidos Digitales

The project is carried out by a broad Consortium, integrating development enterprises as iSOCO, research centers such as the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), and user entities as is the Bankinter Foundation. It aims to develop a new digital platform providing access to information and services through secure and accessible interaction. It will gather multiple channels of communication, such as web access, instant messaging and intelligent speech processing, that is, able of communicating by means of natural language dialogues.