TRENDMINER: Large-scale Cross-lingual Trend Mining of Real-time media streams

The recent massive growth in online media and the rise of user-authored content (e.g weblogs, Twitter, Facebook) has lead to challenges of how to access and interpret these strongly multilingual data, in a timely, efficient, and affordable manner. Scientifically, streaming online media pose new challenges, due to their shorter, noisier, and more colloquial nature. Moreover, they form a temporal stream strongly grounded in events and context. Consequently, existing language technologies fall short onaccuracy, scalability and portability. The goal of this project is to deliver.

SAGAS. Advanced System of Automatic Generation of Subtitles

The main goal of the project is the design and development of a system, which implements a process of automatic generation of subtitles for prerecorded video or audio accompanied by an accurate transcription (screenplay). In this project wants develop a prototype. It will be a tool that will offer support for subtitling of audiovisual content in recorded (movies, documentaries, series, etc…) for different media way such as television, Internet and mobile devices.