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Israel González Carrasco (Publications)
Ana González-Moreno, Alberto Ramos González, Israel González Carrasco, M. Dolores Alonso Díaz de Durana, Beatriz Sellers Gutiérrez-Argumosa, Alicia Moncada Salinero, Ana Belén Pastor-Magro, Beatriz González-Piñeiro, Miguel A. Tejedor-Alonso, Paloma Martínez. (2025). A clinical narrative corpus on nut allergy: annotation schema, guidelines and use case. Scientific Data. 12, (1). Springer Nature, 2052-4463. 2025, Enero. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-025-04503-0. pdf
Mario Pérez Enríquez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco. (2024). A holistic approach to enhance learning experiences for people with hearing disabilities in online and traditional classroom settings. IEEE Access. 12. IEEE. 2024, Diciembre. 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3513715. pdf
Mario Pérez Enríquez, José Manuel Masiello, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco, Paloma Martínez, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2024). Automatic Punctuation Model for Spanish Live Transcriptions. 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC/COLING 2024. Turin, Italy. 2024, Mayo. ELRA Language Resource Association, 978-2-493814-10-4. 1553-1558. pdf
Maria Jose Lucia-Mulas, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Pablo Revuelta, Israel González Carrasco. (2023). Automatic music emotion classification model for movie soundtrack subtitling based on neuroscientific premises. Applied Intelligence. Springer, 1573-7497. 2023, Septiembre. 10.1007/s10489-023-04967-w. [JCR, 5.3, Q2]. link
José Manuel Masiello, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Paloma Martínez, Israel González Carrasco. (2023). Synchro-Sub, an adaptive multi-algorithm framework for real-time subtitling synchronisation of multi-type TV programmes. Computing. Springer. 2023, Enero. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-023-01156-y. pdf
Alberto Ramos González, Paloma Martínez, Israel González Carrasco. (2023). HULAT@IDDP CLEF 2023: Intelligent Prediction of Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Working Notes of CLEF 2023 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Thessaloniki, , September 18th to 21st, 2023., Greece. 2023, Septiembre. pdf
Lucas Rodrigo-Salazar, Israel González Carrasco, Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez. (2021). An IoT-based contribution to improve mobility of the visually impaired in Smart Cities. Computing. Springer. 2021, Abril. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05751-y. [JCR, 2.044, Q2]. Enlace
Jesús Leonardo López-Hernández, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2021). Framework for the classification of emotions in people with visual disabilities through brain signals. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. Frontiers. 2021, Abril. 10.3389/fninf.2021.642766. [JCR, 2.649, Q1].
Alejandro Martin, Israel González Carrasco, Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez, Monica Souto Rico, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, David Camacho. (2021). Deep-Sync: A novel deep learning-based tool for semantic-aware subtitling synchronisation. Neural Computing and Applications. Springer London. 2021, Febrero. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05751-y. [JCR, 4.774, Q1]. Enlace
Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco, Leonardo Lopez Hernandez, Paloma Martínez Fernández, José Luis Martínez Fernández. (2020). Automatic learning framework for pharmaceutical record matching. IEEE Access. 8, 171754-171770. IEEE, 2169-3536. 2020, Septiembre. 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number. PDF del artículo
Monica Souto Rico, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2020). A new system for automatic analysis and quality adjustment in audiovisual subtitled‐based contents by means of genetic algorithms. Expert Systems. Wiley, 1468-0394. 2020, Enero. https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12512. [JCR, 1,505, Q2]. URL
Alejandro Ruiz de la Cuadra, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2019). Hulat-TaskA at eHealth-KD Challenge 2019 Sequence Key Phrases Recognition in the Spanish Clinical Narrative. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019). Bilbao, Spain. 2019, Septiembre. 1613-0073. 26-34. Paper
Alejandro Ruiz de la Cuadra, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2019). Sequence Time Expression Recognition in the Spanish Clinical Narrative. 2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). Córdoba, Spain. 2019, Junio. IEEE, 2372-9198. 331-336.
Leonardo Lopez Hernandez, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2019). Towards the Recognition of the Emotions of People with Visual Disabilities through Brain–Computer Interfaces. Sensors. 19, (11), 2620. MDPI. 2019, Julio. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19112620. [INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION, 3,301, Q1]. Manuscript URL
Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Jimenez Marquez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2019). Automatic detection of relationships between banking operations using machine learning. Information Sciences. 485, 319-346. Elsevier, 0020-0255. 2019, Junio. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2019.02.030. [COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, JCR: 5,524, Q1]. Manuscript URL
Israel González Carrasco, Luis Puente, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado. (2019). Sub-Sync: Automatic Synchronization of Subtitles in the Broadcasting of True Live programs in Spanish. IEEE Access. 7, 60968-60983. IEEE, 2169-3536. 2019, Mayo. [Computer Science, Information Systems, 4,098, Q1]. Manuscript URL
Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Israel González Carrasco, Carlos Hernandez Delgado, Luis Miguel Sánchez Rodríguez-Rey. (2018). Himera: Herramienta de accesibilidad en aulas. IV Congreso Internacional Universidad y Discapacidad. Madrid, España. 2018, Octubre. 978-84-88934-51-2. 696-706.
Jose Luis Jimenez Marquez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco. (2018). Getting the value out of data using high-level analysis techniques in the tourism sector. 2nd Global Conference on Applied Physics, Mathematics and Computing (APMC-18). Madrid, Spain. 2018, Julio.
Y. M. Chuang, Israel González Carrasco, Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez. (2018). Development of a low cost Brain-Computer Interface to Control a Robotic Arm. 2nd Global Conference on Applied Physics, Mathematics and Computing. Madrid, España. 2018, Julio.
Leonardo Lopez Hernandez, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2018). Recommendation system based on collaborative intelligence for the representation of knowledge in people with visual disabilities. 2nd Global Conference on Applied Physics, Mathematics and Computing (APMC-18). Madrid, Spain. 2018, Julio.
Daniel Villanueva Vazquez, Miguel Lagares, Juan Miguel Gomez Berbis, Israel González Carrasco. (2018). RESyS: Towards a Rule-Based Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning. Computación y Sistemas. 22, (3). 2007-9737. 2018, Octubre. [Índice: SJR, Valor: 0,18, Q3]. Manuscript URL
Jose Luis Jimenez Marquez, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua. (2018). Towards a big data framework for analyzing social media content. International Journal of Information Management. 44, 1-12. Elsevier. 2018, Septiembre. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.09.003. [INFORMATION SCIENCE & LIBRARY SCIENCE., JCR: 4,516, Q1]. Manuscript URL
Jose Luis Jimenez Marquez, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado. (2018). Challenges And Opportunities In Analytic-Predictive Environments Of Big Data And Natural Language Processing For Social Network Rating Systems. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 16, (2), 592-597. IEEE. 2018, Febrero. 10.1109/TLA.2018.8327417. [COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, JCR: 0,631, Q4]. Manuscript URL
Maria José Lucía Mulas, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, Israel González Carrasco. (2018). State of Art of Speech-to-Text technologies and its application on accessible subtitle creation.. Madrid, Spain. 2018, Julio.
Israel González Carrasco, ADRIAN BAEZA, Belén Ruiz-Mezcua, FRANCISCO JOSE FERNANDEZ LEON. (2017). Audiovisual Communication System for People with sensorial and linguistic diversity. 2nd Global Conferences on Applied Computing in Science & Engineering (ACSE2). Las Palmas, Gran Canarias, Spain. 2017, Julio.
Jose Luis Jimenez Marquez, Israel González Carrasco, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado. (2017). Towards a common architecture for Social data analysis. 2nd Global Conferences on Applied Computing in Science & Engineering (ACSE2). Las Palmas, Gran Canarias, Spain. 2017, Julio.
Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez, Israel González Carrasco, Amarilys Lima Lopez, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Ángel García Crespo. (2017). Towards Human Smart Cities: Internet of Things for sensory impaired individuals. Computing. 99, (1), 107-126. 2017, Enero.
1. (JCR (2016) 1.589, Pos. 43 de 104 (Q2), área COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY AND METHODS)
Book chapters
Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez, Israel González Carrasco, Gustavo Henrique Jasper, Amarilys Lima Lopez, Renato Fonseca Livramento da Silva, Ángel García Crespo. (2017). Towards Visually Impaired Autonomy in Smart Cities: The Electronic Long Cane Project. Design Solutions for User-Centric Information Systems. (341-365). IGI Global. 2017, Enero.
Book chapters
Ángel García Crespo, Manuel Ceballos, Israel González Carrasco, Nora Lado, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado. (2016). Innovation in the Spanish twittersphere: an ontology and stakeholder's salience analysis. Revolution of innovation management. Volume 1, The digital breakthrough. Palgrave MacMillan. 2016, Diciembre. 978-1-137-574.
Yuliana Pérez-Gallardo, Ángel García Crespo, Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado, Israel González Carrasco. (2016). MESSRS: A model-based 3D system for of recognition, semantic annotation and calculating the spatial relationships of a factory's digital facilities. Computers in Industry. 82, 40-56. 0166-3615. 2016, Octubre.