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María Herrero Zazo (Publications)
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2016). Conceptual Models of Drug-Drug Interactions: A Summary of Recent Efforts. Knowledge-Based Systems, JCR Science, Impact Factor (2015): 3.325, Q1. 114, 99-107. Elsevier, 0950-7051. 2016, Diciembre. URL del artículo
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Janna Hastings, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2015). Application of Domain Ontologies to Natural Language Processing: A Case Study for Drug-Drug Interactions. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR). 5, (3). 2015, Junio. URL del artículo
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Janna Hastings, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2015). DINTO: Using OWL ontologies and SWRL rules to infer drug-drug interactions and their mechanisms (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.5b00119). Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCR Science, Impact Factor (2014): 3,738, Area: Computer Science, Information Systems, Rank: 7/139, Q1). ACS. 2015, Junio. URL del artículo
Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández, María Herrero Zazo. (2014). Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 shared task. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JCR Science, Impact Factor (2014): 2,194, Area: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Rank: 21/102, Q1). 51, 152-164. Elsevier. 2014, Enero. URL del artículo
María Herrero Zazo, Janna Hastings, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Samuel Croset, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Christoph Steinbeck. (2013). An ontology for drug-drug interactions. Semantic Web Applications and tools for life sciences (SWAT4LS) Workshop. Edimburg, United Kingdom. 2013, Diciembre. URL del artículo
Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández, María Herrero Zazo. (2013). SemEval-2013 Task 9 : Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts (DDIExtraction 2013),. Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013),. Atlanta, USA. 2013, Junio. Association for Computational Linguistics. 341--350. URL del artículo
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2013). An Ontology for formal representation of Drug Drug Interaction Knowledge. 6th International Biocuration Conference , BIOCURATION 2013. Cambridge, UK. 2013, Abril.
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2013). Corpus DDI: Un corpus anotado con fármacos e interacciones farmacológicas.. V International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. Alicante, España. 2013, Marzo.
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández. (2013). Annotation Issues in Pharmacological Texts. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 95, 211-219. 2013, Noviembre. URL del artículo
María Herrero Zazo, Isabel Segura Bedmar, Paloma Martínez Fernández, Thierry Declerck. (2013). The DDI corpus: An annotated corpus with pharmacological substances and drug-drug interactions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JCR Science, Impact Factor (2013): 2.482, Area: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Rank: 17/102, 1er Cuartil).. 46, (5), 914-920. 2013, Octubre. URL del artículo