The "Royal Board on Disability of the Ministry of Social Rights", together with its consulting entity the "Spanish Center for Subtitling and Audio Description (CESyA)", managed by the "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid", has carried out the 'Access2Citizen' project with the objective of ensuring that telematic and telephone emergency services are accessible to people with sensory and cognitive disabilities which was presented last Monday, July 3, at the UC3M Puerta de Toledo campus.
The project has been co-directed by Belén Ruiz-Mezcua and Lourdes Moreno from the HULAT Group, as well as researchers from the HULAT group as participants.
The 'Access2Citizen' project takes as its main indicator Article 11 of the United Nations (UN) International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, according to which all necessary measures must be implemented to guarantee the safety and protection of people with disabilities in emergency situations.
The bases of 'Access2Citizen' are established around three fundamental axes whose execution involves: firstly, the preparation of a diagnosis to detect where the problem space is located and define other possible solution spaces; secondly, to offer documentary support to the Public Administrations in terms of cognitive and sensory accessibility; and thirdly, provide a proposal for the integration of an accessible emergency application (112) in the telecommunications network.
To highlight as results, the preparation of publications, to highlight: “Guía Aplicaciones móviles accesibles” and “Panorámica de la accesibilidad de páginas web y aplicaciones móviles de los servicios de emergencia 112”. In addition, a demonstrator of a mobile application is provided to communicate with the 112 emergency services, which can be accessed along with audio-described explanatory videos.
Project website: https://access2citizen.cesya.es/
AGENDA acto de presentación
Presenta el acto Anthony Quispe. Técnico del área I+D+i del CESyA
- 12.00 h.-12.15 h. Bienvenida a cargo:
- D. Guillermo Carpintero, vicerrector adjunto de Investigación y transferencia de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
- D. Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, presidente CERMI.
- D. Francisco Ruiz Boada, director general de Protección Civil y Emergencias.
- D. Jesús Martín Blanco, director del Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.
- 12.15 h.-12.30 h. Presentación del proyecto Access2Citizen: Lourdes Moreno López, responsable proyecto.
- 12:30 h.-13:15 h. Diálogo con organizaciones de la discapacidad:
- Susana Obiang Estepa, mediadora comunicativa del servicio VIDASOR CNSE.
- Belén Gutiérrez Fernández, usuaria validadora de la aplicación Acces2Citizen FIAPAS.
- Corina Alfonso Maña, promotora braille ONCE.
- Raquel Alba Martín, jefa de la Unidad Técnica de Sordoceguera ONCE.
- 13.15 h.-13.30 h. Conclusiones: Belén Ruiz-Mezcua y José Manuel Sánchez Pena.