Our research lines reflect the journey from our beginnings, showcasing how the foundations laid in areas such as natural language processing, biomedicine, web development, and accessibility have evolved into the current cutting-edge directions.

This journey demonstrates not only our adaptability and growth but also underpins our present investigations. These research lines, which continue to be relevant, are as follows:

IntegraTV-4ALL: an interactive television for all

IntegraTV-4all is an effort towards a new television for all and to promote the access of people with disabilities to the new technologies, with a development adapted and oriented to their possibilities and necessities, which includes both graphical and natural-language interfaces. The consortium is formed by industrial and academic partners(TMT Factory, Ramón Llull University, Technical University of Madrid and Carlos III University).

OmniPaper: Smart Access to European Newspapers

The aim of the OmniPaper project is to offer a personalized and standarized interface to the articles of European newspapers. In order to improve this access, the browsing through a multilingual taxonomy of subjects is combined with full-text searching and other techniques which involve metadata handling.

APEINTA: Aiming for Inclusive Learning. Using new technologies IN and OUT of the classroom

APEINTA is an educational project that aims for inclusive education for every student of all abilities in and out of the classroom. We propose to use new computer science and electronic technologies in order to avoid learning barriers that we can unfortunately find already in the educational environment. The APEINTA project is focused in two main inclusive proposals: One Inside the classroom and the other one Outside the classroom. 1.The Inside the classroom proposal is to use two mechanisms in order to eliminate students’ communication barriers.

VIP-Advisor: Virtual, Independent Advisor for Personal Insurance and Finance Risk Management

The objective is to develop a virtual personal insurance and finance assistant with new means of interaction. This personal assistant will be specialized in risk management counselling for small and medium enterprises. The virtual advisor shows up and behaves almost like a "real" serious insurance consultant. The virtual assistant is reactive and easy to use through the use of natural language processing and speech recognition technologies.

ADVICE: Virtual Sales Assistant for the Complete Customer Service Process in Digital Markets

The ADVICE project consists on the development of a new interface for a craftsmanship tools e-commerce system. With the aim of providing full support to customers of online shops and to the users of electronic services on the Internet during the complete customer service lifecycle. The ADVICE system provides: An advanced multimedia user interface supporting natural language text input and output, as well as an animated assistant, that ensures a high level of user-system interaction.

BRAVO: Multimodal and Multilingual Advanced Answers Search

BRAVO is devoted to research on technologies to improve the answers search in both text and voice, and the main result is a platform for a modular answers search system which allows to measure the improvement of different techniques for questions classification, answer extraction, passages retrieval, etc. SPINDEL is one of the techniques developed in this project, an entity recognizer which, regardless of language, applies machine learning based on bootstrapping.

PANDORA: CASE Platform for DB development and learning via Internet

Database Design discipline involves so different aspects as conceptual and logical modelling knowledge or domain understanding. That implies a great effort to carry out the real world abstraction task and represent it through a data model. CASE tools emerge in order to automating the database development process. These platforms try to help to the database designer in different database design phases.