Our research lines reflect the journey from our beginnings, showcasing how the foundations laid in areas such as natural language processing, biomedicine, web development, and accessibility have evolved into the current cutting-edge directions.

This journey demonstrates not only our adaptability and growth but also underpins our present investigations. These research lines, which continue to be relevant, are as follows:

GEMMA: Multiplatform manager for Audiovisual Advertisement Media

The main aim of GEMMA Project (acronym of the Spanish translation of "Multiplatform manager for Audiovisual Advertisement Media") is to propose a new model for managing audiovisual advertisement contents over platforms of different nature. These audiovisual contents will be distributed lately to multiplatform devices. Furthermore, accessibility issues will be taking into account from the very beginning of the system (from the design of the audiovisual contents to their publication).

ISSE : Semantic-based Interoperability for e-Health

The aim is to research in technology based on automatic language processing for information location and retrieval from medical texts and other resources (reports, electronic medical records, scientific documentation, etc..) specially in Spanish language. Thus, we worked in browsers with different levels of complexity that integrate medical domain-specific resources and terminology (UMLS, SNOMED, etc.) and with different treatment of syntactic and semantic levels.

MULTIMEDICA: Multilingual Information Extraction in Health domain and application to scientific and informative documents

The aim of this project is to define and develop information extraction and retrieval techniques based on texts from the medical domain. This will be carried out following two basic tasks: firstly, processing scientific documents in English about pharmacology, and secondly, processing informative texts about health topics in other languages such as Spanish and Arabic.

GPS: Software Process Management Platform: modeling, reuse and measurement

The main project purpose is the design and development of a set of software tools to support Software Engineering Best Practices, defined by international standardization organizations such as ISO, SEI and PMI. These tools will allow the definition of software processes and will assist in the software project management based on Best Practices Models.

SAGAS. Advanced System of Automatic Generation of Subtitles

The main goal of the project is the design and development of a system, which implements a process of automatic generation of subtitles for prerecorded video or audio accompanied by an accurate transcription (screenplay). In this project wants develop a prototype. It will be a tool that will offer support for subtitling of audiovisual content in recorded (movies, documentaries, series, etc…) for different media way such as television, Internet and mobile devices.

SOPAT: Servicio de Orientación Personalizada y Accesible para Turismo.

This project is related to the strategic action line of ‘Tourism related technologies’ with the aim of improving the existing signaling systems for tourists (of any language) and develop accessible systems in tourist accommodation to help overcome some disabilities (motor, audible, and visual). The consortium created for this project joins together experienced companies in the IT (TMT Factory, Signaletics) and academic research groups (La Salle, UPM, UC3M).

TRENDMINER: Large-scale Cross-lingual Trend Mining of Real-time media streams

The recent massive growth in online media and the rise of user-authored content (e.g weblogs, Twitter, Facebook) has lead to challenges of how to access and interpret these strongly multilingual data, in a timely, efficient, and affordable manner. Scientifically, streaming online media pose new challenges, due to their shorter, noisier, and more colloquial nature. Moreover, they form a temporal stream strongly grounded in events and context. Consequently, existing language technologies fall short onaccuracy, scalability and portability. The goal of this project is to deliver.

eGovernAbiity-AccessSupport: Model based framework for building accessible e-administration sevices

Public administrations are rapidly advancing towards the provision of basic and extended services for the citizen through the Web (EU eGovernment Report 2014). In addition to the decrement of costs, this effort will support all people’s civil right to have access to all public services (including people with disabilities and elderly people). For this reason the EU started diverse initiatives to “Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector” in order to “foster efficient, open citizen-centric public services”.