Towards accessible semantic web applications Lee más sobre Towards accessible semantic web applications
Combining syntactic information and domain-specific lexical patterns to extract Drug-Drug Interactions from biomedical texts. Lee más sobre Combining syntactic information and domain-specific lexical patterns to extract Drug-Drug Interactions from biomedical texts.
Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia Lee más sobre Requisitos de accesibilidad web en los reproductores multimedia
A web prototype for detecting chemical compounds and drugs. Lee más sobre A web prototype for detecting chemical compounds and drugs.
Exploring Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Spanish tweets Lee más sobre Exploring Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Spanish tweets
An experience applying Reinforcement Learning in a Web-based Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System Lee más sobre An experience applying Reinforcement Learning in a Web-based Adaptive and Intelligent Educational System
A bridge to Web Accessibility from the Usability Heuristics Lee más sobre A bridge to Web Accessibility from the Usability Heuristics
Towards an Improvement of Software Development Processes through Standard Business Rules Lee más sobre Towards an Improvement of Software Development Processes through Standard Business Rules
Sistema SAGAS: herramienta de soporte al subtitulado para personas sordas Lee más sobre Sistema SAGAS: herramienta de soporte al subtitulado para personas sordas
ADRSpanishTool: a tool for extracting adverse drug reactions and indications Lee más sobre ADRSpanishTool: a tool for extracting adverse drug reactions and indications