

Presentation of the Access2Citizen Project. Accessibility to the 112 emergency services.

Logotipo del proyecto Access2Citizen The "Royal Board on Disability of the Ministry of Social Rights", together with its consulting entity the "Spanish Center for Subtitling and Audio Description (CESyA)", managed by the "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid", has carried out the 'Access2Citizen' project with the objective of ensuring that telematic and telephone emergency services are accessible to people with sensory and cognitive disabilities.

Publication of the article: "Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments"

Imagen de la plataforma EASIER The article "Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments" de Lourdes Moreno,  Helen Petrie, Paloma Martínez y Rodrigo Alarcon has been published in the Journal Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS). It results from a collaboration between the HULAT group and the researcher Helen Petrie from the University of York.

Hulat Group collaborates in the Guide "Curricular training in Accessibility and design for all in Technical Degrees related to ICT"

portada de la Guía “Formación curricular en Accesibilidad y DpT en Titulaciones Técnicas relacionadas con las TIC

With the aim of improving the inclusion of accessibility and Design for All (DfA) in ICT university studies, the Royal Board on Disability and the ONCE Foundation have published the guide "Curricular training in Accessibility and Design for all people in Technical Degrees related to ICT“.

This guide guides teachers and professors in the design of subjects and the preparation of degree verification reports, and also as a reference for quality agencies and universities during the accreditation and quality assurance processes.

For the preparation of this guide, we have had the collaboration of expert professors in accessibility from the university, such as the case of Lourdes Moreno from the HULAT group of the UC3M Department of Computer Science.

In addition, as an example of good practices, the subject "Accessibility and design for all in software engineering" is included, in the Degree in Computer Science, from UC3M coordinated by Lourdes Moreno.


Participation of Lourdes Moreno in the "Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium" of the W3C, in the panel "Natural Language Processing for Accessible Communication"

Participation of Lourdes Moreno in the "Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium" of the W3C, in the panel "Natural Language Processing for Accessible Communication". On January 10 and 11, the "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Accessibility Research Symposium" was held, within the framework of the W3C WAI initiative with the project "Communities of Practice (WAI-CooP) the W3C Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group”. This symposium brought together researchers to identify current challenges and opportunities posed by the increasing use of AI in relation to accessibility and to explore how ongoing research can leverage and improve accessibility.


"Navidad Accesible Madrid" app for people with disabilities

For the third consecutive year, the Madrid City Council, through the "Dirección General de Accesibilidad del Área de Obras y Equipamientos", together with the "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid", has made it possible for all people, especially those with visual and intellectual disabilities, to enjoy the traditional Christmas lights through the mobile application "Navidad Accesible Madrid".

Paloma Martínez en la jornada “La transformación tecnológica al servicio de las personas: inclusión, diversidad e igualdad”

foto de Paloma Martínez El día 25 de octubre Paloma Martínez participó en la jornada “La transformación tecnológica al servicio de las personas: inclusión, diversidad e igualdad” organizada por Nueva Economía de la Lengua, CERMI y Fundación ONCE en la que se habló de las oportunidades de las tecnologías del lenguaje para la inclusión, la diversidad y la igualdad en el marco del PERTE de la Nueva Economía de la Lengua.

Published the article 'EASIER System. Evaluating a Spanish Lexical Simplification Proposal with People with Cognitive Impairments'.

portada de la revista Written by Lourdes Moreno, Rodrigo Alarcon, Paloma Martínez, and Jose A. Macías, and published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction in October 2022.

The HULAT group has received the approval of the PICOGAC project in the 2021 call for proposals "Ecological Transition and Digital Transition Projects".

The HULAT group has received approval for the project "Platform for the Delivery of Online Classes and Generation of Accessible Notes for people with sensory disabilities" (PICOGAC) in the call 2021 - "Green Transition and Digital Transition Projects" TED2021-132182A-I

Spanish hospitals fail in web accessibility

Lourdes Moreno, Rodrigo Alarcón y Paloma Martínez have presented the article "Accessibility and readability compliance in Spanish public hospital websites" at the 10th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2022).

According to this study carried out, hospital websites do not obtain good results in web accessibility according to the standards to be met, such as WCAG 2.1.

This research evaluated automatically and manually by experts accessibility the compliance of the main public websites of Spanish hospitals through their home page. The results indicated that no website of the 48 analyzed is accessible according to WCAG 2.1 Level AA, and only four websites met WCAG 2.1 level A.

Several more frequent errors were identified such as images without the textual description that cannot be interpreted by screen readers and a lack of information about the purpose of the links. These errors make hospital websites more difficult to access, especially for people with cognitive and visual impairments.

Likewise, the readability values ​​obtained in the texts of the websites of Spanish hospitals were not satisfactory: 33 websites out of the 48 studied presented readability barriers. This indicates that the texts of the web pages of hospitals in Spain are somewhat difficult to understand for most people and citizens.

This article provides information for hospital website developers regarding the importance of adhering to web accessibility guidelines and applying standards in website design, as well as for web content authors in order to make the texts more accessible and legible to all citizens.

REFERENCIA: Lourdes Moreno, Rodrigo Alarcón and Paloma Martínez. (2022) Accessibility and readability compliance in Spanish public hospital websites. 10th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2022). ACM Digital Library.


Lourdes Moreno, reelegida Presidenta de la Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO).

Foto de Lourdes Moreno con rollup de AIPO Lourdes Moreno, compañera del grupo HULAT y del departamento de Informática ha sido reelegida Presidenta de la Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO). AIPO es la sociedad científica de España que tiene como objetivo promover y difundir la Interacción Persona-Ordenador y servir de vínculo entre los científicos y profesionales que desarrollen actividades en este ámbito.